Selected Research Articles

2019 Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu V. Far surface gravity waves fields under unstable generation regimes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, V.1392, 012005 download PDF file Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu V. Internal gravity waves from a moving source: modeling and asymptotics // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, V.1268, 012013 download PDF file Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu V., Vladimirov I.Yu Far fields of internal gravity waves from a source moving in the ocean with an arbitrary buoyancy frequency distribution // Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2019, V.19, No.5, ES5003 download PDF file Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu V. Internal Gravity Waves Excited by a Moving Oscillating Source in a Stratified Medium with Variable Buoyancy // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2019, V.60, No.1, P.16-21 download PDF file Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu V. Far Fields of Internal Waves Excited by a Pulsing Source in a Stratified Medium with Shear Flows // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2019, V.60, No.6, P.1013-1019 download PDF file Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu V. Analytical Solutions of the Internal Gravity Wave Equation for a Semi-Infinite Stratified Layer of Variable Buoyancy // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2019, V. 59, No.5, P. 747-750 download PDF file Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu V. Analytical Solutions of the Internal Gravity Wave Equation in a Stratified Medium with Shear Flows // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2019, V. 59, No.7, P.1121-1130 download PDF file 2018 V. V.Bulatov, Yu. V. Vladimirov Internal waves excited by a moving source in a medium of variable buoyancy // Fluid Dynamics, 2018, V.53, No.5, P.616–622 download PDF file V.V.Bulatov , Yu.V.Vladimirov Far fields of internal gravity waves from a nonstationary source // Oceanology, 2018, V.58, No.6, P.796-801 download PDF file V. V.Bulatov, Yu. V. Vladimirov Fundamental problems of wave dynamics stratified medium modelling // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, V.468, No.1,012024 download PDF file Vitaly V. Bulatov and Yury V. Vladimirov Internal gravity waves in horizontally inhomogeneous ocean // M. G. Velarde et al. (eds.), The Ocean in Motion, Springer Oceanography. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. P.109-126 download PDF file Bulatov V. V., Vladimirov Yu. V. Unsteady regimes of internal gravity wave generation in the ocean // Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2018, V.18, ES2004 download PDF file V.V.Bulatov, Yu.V.Vladimirov Hybrid surface waves from a harmonic perturbation source // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2018, V. 54, N. 2, P. 196–200 download PDF file Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu.V. Far fields of internal gravitational waves from moving perturbance sources // Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Natural Sciences, 2018, V.4, P. 73–89 download PDF file 2017 V.V.Bulatov, Yu.V.Vladimirov Internal gravity waves excited by a pulsating perturbation source //Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017, V.81, N.5, P. 384-389 link V. V. Bulatov, Yu. V. Vladimirov INTERNAL GRAVITY WAVES GENERATED BY AN OSCILLATING SOURCE OF PERTURBATIONS MOVING WITH SUBCRITICAL VELOCITY // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2017, V. 58, N. 6, P. 997–1003 download PDF file V. V. Bulatov, Yu. V. Vladimirov, I. Yu. Vladimirov Far fields of the surface disturbances produced by a pulsating source in an infinite-depth fluid // Fluid Dynamics, 2017, V. 52, N. 5, P. 617–622 download PDF file 2016 V.V. Bulatov, Yu. V. Vladimirov Far fields of internal gravity waves generated by a perturbation source in a stratified rotating medium // Fluid Dynamics, 2016, Vol.51, No.5, P.633–638 download PDF file 2015 V.V. Bulatov, Yu. V. Vladimirov Far fields of internal gravity waves at arbitrary movement speeds of source of disturbances // Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2015, Vol. 51, No. 6, P. 609–614 download PDF file V.V. Bulatov, Yu. V. Vladimirov Internal gravity waves excited by a pulsating source of perturbations // Fluid Dynamics, 2015, Vol. 50, No. 6, P. 741–747 download PDF file 2014 Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu.V. Exact and asymptotic solutions of the equation of internal gravity wave in a wedge-shaped region // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2014, Vol.78, №5, P.494-501 link Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu. V., Vladimirov I. Yu. Uniform asymptotics of the far fields of the surface disturbances produced by a source in a heavy infinite-depth fluid // Fluid Dynamics, 2014, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 655–661 download PDF file Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu.V. Asymptotical analysis of internal gravity wave dynamics in stratified medium // Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2014, Vol.8, №5, P.217-240 download PDF file 2013 V.V.Bulatov, Yu.V.Vladimirov Internal gravity waves dynamics in ocean with shear flows // ADITI (Advanced and Development in Technology International) Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2013, Vol.3, Issue 1, P.15-32 download PDF file V.V.Bulatov, Yu.V.Vladimirov Fundamental problems of internal gravity waves dynamics in ocean // Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 2013, Vol.9, P.69-81 download PDF file V.V.Bulatov, Yu.V.Vladimirov Wave dynamics of stratified mediums with variable depth: exact solutions and asymptotic representations // IUTAM Procedia, 2013, Vol.8, P.229-237 download PDF file V.V.Bulatov, Yu.V.Vladimirov Asymptotic solutions of higher approximations of fields of internal gravity waves in variable-depth stratified media //Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2013, Vol. 54, No. 1,P. 68–73. download PDF file V.V.Bulatov, Yu.V.Vladimirov Far fields of internal gravity waves in a stratified liquid of varying depth // Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2013, Vol. 49, No. 3, P. 329–333 download PDF file 2012 Bulatov V.V, Vladimirov Yu.V. Wave field dynamics of a stratified medium with variable depth // Dokl. Earth Sci., 2012, Vol.444, P.626-629 download PDF file 2011 Bulatov V.V., Vladimirov Yu.V. Far field of internal gravity waves from oscillating sources of disturbances // Izv.Akad.Nauk. Atmosph.Oceanic Phys., 2011, Vol.47. № 2. P.229-232 download PDF file V.V. Bulatov, Yu.V. Vladimirov The uniform asymptotic form of the internal gravity waves field generated by a source moving above the smoothly varying bottom // Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2011, vol.69, P.243-260 download PDF file 2010 V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Non-local boundary conditions and internal gravity wave generation // Cornell University Library, 2010, E-Print Archive, arXiv:1008.4062v1 [physics.flu-dyn], V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Estimate of the applicability limits of a linear theory of internal waves // Fluid Dynamics, 2010, vol.45, №5, P.787-792 download PDF file V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Non-local boundary conditions for mathematic modeling of stratified medium wave dynamics // Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, 2010, vol.4, № 1, P.1-22 download PDF file V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Far fields of internal gravity waves in stratified media of variable depth // Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2010, vol. 17, №4, P. 400-412. download PDF file 2009 V.V.Bulatov New architecture of the share market and problem of attraction of investments in modern condition // Economics in Industry, 2009, №3, P.22-28 (in Russian) V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Evaluation of the linear theory satisfiability limits in propagation of the internal gravity waves // Cornell University Library, 2009, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0911.3367, V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Internal gravity waves from nonlocal perturbation source // Cornell University Library, 2009, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0911.3377, 2008 V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Internal gravity waves in critical generation modes and in the vicinity of trajectories of motion of perturbation sources // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2008, vol.49, №5, P.762-769 download PDF file V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov 3D - calculations of internal gravity waves from the non-local sorces of disturbances // Mathematical Modelling Journal, 2008, vol.20, №8, P.3-12 V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov A modified Green function for the internal gravity wave equation in a layer of a stratified medium with a constant shear flow // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2008, Т.72, №5, P.727-733 V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Calculations of eigenfunction and eigenvalues of internal gravity waves vertical spectral problems // Mathematical Modelling Journal, 2007, vol.19, №2, P.59-68 V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Internal gravity waves near to the sources of disturbances at the critical modes of generation // Cornell University Library, 2008, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0802.3555, V.V.Bulatov Dynamics of nonharmonic internal gravity wave packets in stratified medium // Cornell University Library, 2008, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0808.0668, 2007 V.V.Bulatov Non-spectral methods of analysis of the internal gravity waves measurements in ocean // Cornell University Library, 2007, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0707.1704, Bulatov,V.V. and Vladimirov Y.V. Green modified function of the equation of the internal gravity waves in the stratum of the stratified medium with constant average flow// Cornell University, 2007, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0701254, 2006 Bulatov, V.V. and Vladimirov, Y.V. Dynamics of the internal gravity waves in the heterogeneous and nonstationary stratified mediums// Cornell University, 2006, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0611040, V.V.Bulatov,Y.V.Vladimirov General problems of the internal gravity waves linear theory // Cornell University, 2006, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0609236, 2005 V.V.Bulatov,V.A.Vakorin,Y.V.Vladimirov Internal gravity waves in stratified horizontally inhomogeneous media // Cornell University, 2005, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: math-ph/0511082, V.V.Bulatov,V.A.Vakorin,Y.V.Vladimirov Critical regimes of internal gravity wave generation // Cornell University, 2005, E-Print Archive, Paper ID: math-ph/0511083, 2004 V.V.Bulatov,V.A.Vakorin,Y.V.Vladimirov Weak singularity for two-dimensional nonlinear equations of hydrodynamics and propagation of shock waves. Cornell University,2004, E-Print Archive , Paper ID: math-ph/0410058, V.V.Bulatov,V.A.Vakorin,Y.V.Vladimirov Internal gravity waves in a stratified fluid with smoothly varying bottom. Cornell University,2004,E-Print Archive, Paper ID: physics/0411016, Bulatov, V.V. Closed mutual investment funds and security of shared investments in real estate: reality and perspectives. Property Relashions in The Russian Federation, 2004, 10, 40 - 51(in Russian) 2003 Bulatov, V.V. Closed mutual investment funds in real estate as perspective attraction tools. Pension Money, 2003, 5(5), 61 - 65(in Russian) Bulatov, V.V. New shared investments technologies - Closed mutual investments funds . Banking Technologies, 2003, 11(95), 43 - 46(in Russian). 2002 Bulatov, V.V. Investments in economics restructuring and their structure. Transformation of Ecomonic Ties. Moscow, Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002, 270 - 297(in Russian). Bulatov, V.V. Basic trends in corporate property consolidation. Transformation Processes and Economic Development, Moscow, Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences , 2003, 192 - 202(in Russian). Bulatov, V.V. Arbitration management and security of joint stock companies liabilities. Analitical Bank Journal, 2002, 3(82), 86 - 88(in Russian). 2001 Bulatov, V.V. Invesment banking: some of the Russian Realias. Banking Technologies, 2001, 7-8(70), 69 - 71(in Russian). 2000 Bulatov, V.V., Vanian, P.L., Vladimirov, Y.V. and Morozov, E.G. The Outspread of internal tidal waves in the Norhtern-Western part of the Pacific Ocean. Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences Journal. Applied mathimatics and computer science, 2000, 1, 112-117(in Russian). Bulatov, V.V. and Vladimirov, Y.V. 2000 Asymptotic of the critical regimes of internal wave generation. Izv.Akad.Nauk. Fluid Dynamics, 5, 734-737. Bulatov, V.V. Tax technologies in stock markets. Banking Technologies, 2000, 4(56), 65-68(in Russian) Bulatov, V.V. Custody broker: risks and auxiliary facilities. Financial Expert, 2000, 8(209), 30-31(in Russian) 1999 Bulatov, V.V. Stock market tendencies in the conditions of financial crisis. Banking Technologies , 1999, 1(44), 53-55(in Russian) Bulatov, V.V. New stock-exchange transactioons technologies in the conditions of financial crisis. Financial Expert, 1999, 2(193), 61-64(in Russian) Bulatov, V.V. Arbitration and turnaround management in stock market. Financial Expert, 1999, 8(197), 25-27(in Russian). Bulatov, V.V. Turnaround technologies specifics. Banking Technologies, 1999, 10(51), 77-79 (in Russian) Bulatov, V.V. Moscow municipal bonds between past and future. Financial Expert, 1999, 12(201), 34-35 (in Russian) 1998 Borovikov, V.A., Bulatov, V.V., Morozov, E.G. and Tamaya, R.G. 1998 Nonspectral and spectral approach to the study of tidal internal wave propagation in the ocean (by the example of the Mesopolygon experiment). Oceanology, 3, 307-311. Bulatov, V.V. and Vladimirov, Y.V. 1998 Uniform far field asymptotic of internal gravity waves from a source moving in a stratified fluid layer with smoothly varying bottom. Izv.Akad.Nauk. Fluid Dynamics, 3, 388-395. Bulatov, V.V. About factual balance of payments prediction of a brokerage company. Financial Expert, 1998, No 4(183), 72-74 (in Russian) Bulatov, V.V. Stock transactions balance of payments. Banking Technologies, 1998, 9(41), 83-86 (in Russian) 1996 Bulatov,V.V., Vladimirov,Y.V., Danilov, V.G. and Dobrokhotov, S.Y. 1996 Calculations of hurricane trajectory on the basis of V.P.Maslov hypothesis. Dokl.Akad.Nauk., 2, 6-11. 1995 Bulatov, V.V. and Vladimirov, Y.V. 1995 Calculation the internal gravity wave field associated with arbitrary unsteady motion of a source. Izv.Akad.Nauk. Fluid Dynamics, 3, 483-486. V.А.Borovikov, V.V.Bulatov, Y.V.Vladimirov Internal gravity waves excited by a body moving in a stratified fluid // Fluid Dynamics Research. 1995, Vol.15, № 5, P.325-336. download PDF file (~4Mb) 1994 Borovikov,V.A., Bulatov, V.V., Vladimirov, Y.V., 1994 Processing and analysis of internal wave measurements in the shelf region of Western Sahara. Oceanology, 4, 457-460. Bulatov, V.V., Vladimirov, Y.V., Danilov,V.G. and Dobrokhotov, S.Y. 1994 On motion of the point algebraic singularity for 2D nonlinear hydrodynamical equations. Math.Notices, 3, 243-250. 1991 Bulatov, V.V. 1991 Steady motion of stratified fluid over a rough bottom. J.Appl.Mech.Techn.Phys., 5, 678-683. Bulatov, V.V. and Vladimirov, Y.V. 1991 Near field of internal waves excited by a source in a moving stratified liquid. Appl.Mech.Techn.Phys., 1, 21-25. Bulatov, V.V. and Vladimirov, Y.V. 1991 Internal gravity waves excited by a source in stratified horizontally inhomogeneous media. Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR . Fluid Dynamics, 1, 102-105. 1990 Bulatov, V.V. and Vladimirov, Y.V. 1990 Propagation of Airy and Frenel internal waves in unsteady media Morsk.Gidrofiz.Zhurn., 5, 13-18(In Russian). 1989 Borovikov, V.A., Bulatov, V.V., Vladimirov, Y.V. and Levchenko, E.S. 1989 Internal wave field generated by a source rest in a moving stratified fluid. Appl.Mech.Techn.Phys., 4, 563-566. Bulatov, V.V. and Vladimirov, Y.V. 1989 Propagation of Airy and Fresnel internal waves in inhomogeneous media Morsk.Gigrofiz.Zhurn., 6, 14-19(In Russian). 1988 Borovikov, V.A., Bulatov, V.V. and Kelbert, M.Y. 1988 Intermediate asymptotic behavior of the far field of internal waves in a layer of stratified fluid lying on a homogeneous layer. Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR. Fluid Dynamics, 3, 453-456. 1986 Borovikov, V.A.and Bulatov, V.V. 1986 On the applicability of limits of asymptotic formulas for the field of internal waves excited by a moving source. Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR. Atm.Oceanic Physics, 6, 508-510.